SSVP Youth!
Vinnie Teachers
First of all, thank you! Without teachers (and other school staff) Vinnies would not be possible. We fully appreciate the time and enthusiasm you give to the young people for them to be part of the Vincentian family, growing in faith through service of those in need.
We don’t want this to become a work heavy task so we’re trying to keep it simple. The main work of the group should be coming together in prayer, sharing ideas of who to help and making a plan together. The role of the teacher is to guide the meetings but let the young people direct the course.
Your role is to manage the expectations of the young people and ensure that any tasks they plan are safe and within the remit of what can be done as a school/out of school activity. After school activities will fall within the remit of a school trip and must be carried out with relevant permissions and safety precautions. Please ensure that all usual regulations are followed in regard to health, safety and wellbeing. Please also make sure that any photographs you send to us or share of your activities only contain images of children with permission to be photographed. We will be sharing these pictures on our Social Media channels.
From time to time, we will send you resources based on the Society of St Vincent de Paul and focusing on the Saints who started it. These can be used for the times when perhaps you have just finished a good works project and are planning or waiting on details before starting another. These will come with Outcomes and Experiences and referenced to “This is Our Faith.”
Running a Vinnie group is an excellent addition to your Professional Update document and to your CV.
However, the most important reward is that you are helping our young people to learn about offering a helping hand where they can which will lead them to becoming adults with empathy and compassion.
I am available to support you through every stage of the process, by email, phone or in person (as soon as restrictions ease) I am happy to be invited along to talk to a new group, attend a meeting or an activity.
Yours in the Spirit of St Vincent de Paul and Blessed Frederic Ozanam
Pauline, National Youth Development Coordinator