Diocese of Dunkeld
6th January 1861 marked the formation of the first conference at the Saint John the Baptist Church, to serve the poor within the City of Perth. The work of the Society quickly spread within the Diocese and there was a steady stream of new conferences being established.
Then with the splitting of many of the older parishes and the building of Catholic Churches within the Housing Estates created by the building of Social housing the 1950’s, 1960’s, 1970’s and 1980’s a total of fifteen new Conferences were formed between 1951 and 1987.
In 2004 a Youth Conference was formed at Dundee University. Members help to run a soup kitchen for homeless people two evenings per week and visit residents in nursing/rest homes in their area.
Over the years members of the Society within the Dunkeld Diocese have continued their charitable and spiritual work through the visitation of the sick in their homes and during visits to hospitals and nursing homes. In addition visits to the housebound have helped to maintain contact with parishioners who live alone or are unable to attend Church Services or parish social events.
Many of our Conferences organise parties, day outings, lunch clubs and other social events for our elderly parishioners.
The Furniture Project run by Dundee Group Council has over the years been in constant demand and a great source of help for clients being rehoused or those in need of replacement items.
The Ozanam Club in Dundee continues to provide an opportunity for children and young adults with disabilities to meet weekly where games, social interaction and outings are encouraged under the supervision of volunteers.
The SSVP Shop in Dundee has been a great success since it opened and provides a wonderful source of income which is donated to local worthy causes and National and International Appeals in times of crisis. This shop is run by volunteers.
Caravan holidays are provided by the Dundee Group in two caravans sited at Arbroath. These provide holidays for young families and elderly members of all communities who might not otherwise be able to afford a holiday. The Nairn caravan has also been widely used for families who would benefit from such a holiday.