Congratulations to all members and volunteer helpers of the Viewpark Ozanam club which celebrated its 35th anniversary this evening . This first Ozanam Club was started in May 1989 by James Lynch, a member of the Society of St. Vincent De Paul who himself had two children with learning difficulties and who was concerned at the general lack of leisure provision for them. Each Ozanam Club is a Special Works Conference of the SSVP. The name of the clubs are called after Blessed Frederick Ozanam who was the founder of the S.S.V.P. At this present time we have two clubs in Viewpark, an adults club and a separate club for younger members. We have an adults club in and Paisley and also a club in Carfin for younger members. The Ozanam Clubs are a social evening for adults and children with learning difficulties, providing a fun night out where people can socialise and participate in various activities . Membership is open to anyone who has disabilities, regardless of their race or religious belief. The aim of the clubs is a fun night out for members and some temporary respite for parents.