Challenge Poverty in Scotland?  Aye We Can!

Peter Kelly of The Poverty Alliance said “Poverty restricts the choices people can make, leaving them in impossible situations like choosing either to heat their home or pay their rent.”

“With rising living costs and unstable work, our economy is holding people down and stopping many from choosing their own path. We can solve poverty by loosening its grip on people. Benefits help release people from the restrictions our economy places on them, such as low pay and high housing costs”.

“Solving Poverty is about ensuring we can all participate in a just and compassionate society”

We’ve got a moral responsibility to solve poverty in Scotland – and we can. We can redesign our economy so that people don’t get swept into poverty by the currents of unemployment, or low incomes.

We can make sure that the services we all rely on – like the NHS, education and social security – are properly funded and able to help us all.
