Helping people in need
The Society of St Vincent dePaul is an international organisation of Catholic lay people, men and women, who practice Christianity by helping those in need on a person to person basis.
The aim of the Society is to provide a means whereby members can practice Christianity by showing God’s love to their neighbours who are in need.
SSVP members show this love, compassion and understanding by giving of themselves – their concern, their friendship, their time, their talents – to help people regardless of creed, colour, lifestyle or political belief.
Help is not confined to the needy close at hand. It may be given to people overseas through the partnership with SSVP members on the spot. This means that the help is never impersonal. Help may be in the form of counselling, moral support, relief from loneliness, or in referring people to other agencies or specialist organisations. It will vary according to the resources of the members and should be adapted to local requirements and changing conditions.
The type of help is not restricted, provided the element of personal involvement of the member is present.