Get Involved
Would you like to start a Youth SSVP group in your parish? Download this handy guide to help you get started.
If you would like to find out more about becoming a member, please contact the SSVP National Office on 0141 226 8833 to find out about your nearest Conference.
All roles will be subject to PVG Scheme Membership.
Although most people who carry out SSVP work are members, there are times when you can volunteer without actually becoming a member. For example, you could help out at an ‘Ozanam Club’ or Ozanam Centre. Services differ across the country, so please get in touch to find out more.
All volunteer roles will be subject to PVG Scheme Membership.
With so much work going on all over the country, we are always in need of funds!
You could fundraise for us locally and help your local SSVP Conference in working with your community OR you could fundraise for our programmes such as youth development, which enables more young people to become part of the SSVP and help even more people!
If you would like to fundraise for the SSVP, we would love to hear from you. If you’re not sure of where the money will go(locally or nationally), we can help you out with that.
If you would like to make a donation, you can do it in two ways, please visit our Donate page
“I joined the SSVP through one of our members inviting me to a meeting. That was about 14 years ago. I was amazed at the the amount of work done by the Conference – providing furniture , visiting the housebound and sick and arranging a meal for them in the Church hall, or taking them on summer outings where they catch up with friedns that they don’t see very often and providing transport to Mass.
The answer to the question, ‘Why am I a Vincentian?’- is to love people and feel fortunate that I’m able to do all I can to help them!”
Cathy, Edinburgh