

“Charity is the cement which binds Communities to God and persons to one another” – St Vincent de Paul, SSVP Patron

Scotland’s 2000 SSVP volunteer members provide support and assistance to people across the country on a daily basis. Working in 300 groups, they assist people in need in the best way that they can.

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What we do

SSVP Conferences (groups) respond to  needs in their communities.  This usually means visiting people in their homes, in hospital, hospices or in prison. For many people, this visit is all that they need. However, in meeting people in this way, SSVP volunteers get to know people. They may then go on and provide help or assistance in other ways.

A community of friends

Since being founded in 1833 by Frederic Ozanam and a group of friends, home visits have been at the core and heart of the work of SSVP members.  The SSVP always works hard to respond to changing needs and has now established ‘Special works’, which provide one particular service.

Frederic Ozanam
Who’s who?

Read all about the people who are important to the SSVP and its history.

Do you need assistance or support?

If you need help, SSVP members will assist you in the best way that they can.

Mini Vinnies

Mini Vinnies are SSVP groups in Primary Schools. Learn more about the Mini Vinnies and what they do.

SSVP members

Visit your members page for useful information.  resources and spiritual input.

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